OPEN community Minecraft server:
As an Op, you can run administrative commands like below from our Discord chat (web, or mobile!) without having to be logged in to the Minecraft GUI client using !cmd /help
& Co.
Not all plugins’ commands work through chat. For example Nucleus’ /world
only works in-game; on chat !cmd /world
is unknown, and !cmd world
works but is silent, because it outputs only to STDOUT on the server container log, not into chat.
/lp user <PLAYER> showtracks
/lp user <PLAYER> promote level
/lp user <PLAYER> demote level
do several times, until reaching the right level; currently:
These groups may be changed in the future.
To debug missing permissions (and then add), use:
/lp verbose on <YOU>
/lp check <PLAYER>
/lp editor
/lp verbose off <YOU>
A server can contain several worlds! We use Nucleus for their administration. Here’s how to navigate:
/world list
/world load aworld
/spawn aworld
/world tp aworld michaelpapa7
This is how to create new ones:
/world create -g minecraft:default_1_1 --gm survival --di minecraft:easy survive
/world create -g flat --gm creative --di peaceful rhjom
/world create -g flat --gm adventure --di peaceful lobby
/world setspawn
/world sethardcore | setdifficulty | sethardcore
This is how to unload and delete no longer used worlds:
/world unload aworld
/world remove aworld